For MINNESOTA State Representative


Patty’s Priorities


Let’s regain our high proficiencies in math and reading by focusing on academics again.  Fewer than 50% meet grade-level math and reading standards.  MDE Data: White Bear Lake Schools Report Card

  • Flexible Funding for our Schools: No mandates, set measurable goals and let the schools’ lead

[In 2023, the legislature grew education spending by $4.1 billion – a 20% increase – but tied districts’ hands by adding 65 unfunded mandates leaving schools with a revenue deficit. Our tax dollars aren’t reaching the classroom, and Patty is committed to changing that policy.]

  • Control held at the Local Level: Empower teachers and engage parents in the education of their children
  • Literacy Focused: get back to basics of learning to read
  • Raise the Bar: expect more from the students and they will rise to the challenge

With your vote, help Patty restore education in Minnesota back to its former gold standards. 

Minnesota drops to 19th in national education ranking due to low test scores


We are not a free people without law and order. Safety and protection of citizens requires robust support of our law enforcement.

  • Fully fund and staff our city police departments. Allow law enforcement officers (LEO) to perform their jobs without being regulated by those without law enforcement experience. We need to “Back the Blue!”!
[City of Minneapolis Reports 585 active police officers in May 2023 compared to 892 in 2018.]
  • Allow the schools’ staff to enforce school disciplinary policies that encourage respect and require consequences for misbehavior, even suspension if safety is a concern.
  • Encourage legal immigration not illegal migration
In the 2023 SF2909 Judiciary and Public Safety Bill over 270 existing statutes were weakened or changed and 50 additional others were added or repealed. SF 2909 Status in the Senate for the 93rd Legislature (2023 – 2024) (

With your vote, Patty will work to strengthen state public safety laws to protect our homes, our schools and our communities.

Patty is Endorsed by the Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association [MPPOA]


The DFL Legislature increased spending a whopping 38% in 2023!  Shrinking paychecks are hurting all Minnesotans at the grocery store, gas pump, shoe store, pharmacy, and for health care. 

  • Remove all taxes on Social Security. (Seniors are losing their homes due to high property taxes.)
  • Lower taxes and regulations on small business owners to promote these job creators.
  • Promote all energy sources, especially those that are in abundance and affordable, such as clean coal, natural gas, petroleum, and nuclear.
  • Reduce the size of government and the budget, allowing Minnesota citizens to keep more of their hard-earned money.
  • Only Minnesota tax-paying citizens should qualify for Minnesota tax-supported programs.

With your vote, Patty will work to reduce “pocketbook pain” caused by inflation, and lower living costs to keep your money in your pockets, not government’s.

Fighting Fraud and Holding Government Officials Accountable

The DFL-led government in Minnesota has failed in its oversight of government programs over and over again.  

  • The most blatant fraud involves some 70+ indicted individuals who ripped off $250 million (and growing) in government funds stolen by the Feeding Our Future non-profit. This non-profit falsely claimed to feed children during COVID but became, in the words of U.S. Attorney Andrew Lugar, the “largest pandemic fraud in the United States” with the money spent on lavish vacations, expensive homes, cars, and land purchases.
  • All this fraud took place under the noses of the Walz administration and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) between 2019 and 2021. So far, no state official has been penalized.  The Republican-led Senate held several public hearings about the fraud in 2022 but the Democratic House and Governor Walz ignored the issue.
  • The Feeding Our Future fraud is not a one-off. Other instances of fraud in Minnesota government programs have come to light recently:  the Frontline Worker bonus pay fraud ($45 million), Medicaid fraud ($36 million) by various providers, Unemployment benefits fraud ($5 million).  In 2019, a massive $100 million in fraudulent payments was also uncovered in the Child Care Assistance Program.
  • Accountability in spending and maintaining careful control over how our tax dollars are spent is absolutely critical – a primary legislative duty. Theft of public dollars cannot go unpunished.

Your vote for Patty will make oversight and holding government officials accountable a high priority with your state representative.    

Volunteers are welcome. Please contact us today!